Monday, 22 February 2010

One popular character is the toothless old women known as ''talla'' [ grand mother] .The mask of the talla has the hair tied on the top of the head like the old women in the past.The ear ornaments are huge round ones, sometimes brinjals are used instead of the ear ornaments called Kundalam.

The sond for the kummattikali is sung by the leader of the group.The masked kummatti's do not sing.

Friday, 19 February 2010

Rhythm for the dance is provided by vibrating the string of a bow like instrument called '' Ona villu''.Arecanut wood is used to make the bow and the strings are beaten with a narrow bamboo stick.

The themes of kummatti are mostly taken from the stotries of Ramayana, Darika vadham, the story of Shiva & folk tales.The songs are melodious and deal with devotional songs.Songs are relating to the story of Mahabali.

Usually nair community peoples are perfoming Kummatti and the masks are stored in nair houses.

These masks are usually made out of jack fruit tree, plum tree or the coral tree.

The perfomers cover their whole body with bunches of grass for a more bushy appearence.

Kummatti is the famous colourful mask dance of central kerala particularly Thrissur & Palaghat districts.

During the festival of Onam , kummatti perfomers move from house to house and collecting rice, jaggery, small gifts & entertaining peoples.

The perfomers wear a heavily painted colourful wooden mask depicting faces of Krishna, Narada, Kiratha, Darika or Hunters.